39 conversations


(He)A: Do you have any online accounts?

(She)B: What is an online account?

A: Something you use on social networks.

B: I don't know what those are.

A: Websites where you talk about yourself.

B: Why would I want to do that?

A: So you can make friends.

B: I already have friends.

A: You can make more friends.

B: But I don't need more friends.

A: Forget I mentioned anything.

B: You're still my friend, right?


1-What social network do you have an account on?

2-what does he need to create an online account?

3-why should he have an online account?

4-does he need more friends?

5-why did she ask if he is still her friend?

6-what is a social network?


(She)A: You should add me on Facebook.

(He)B: I don't have a Facebook.

A: Why don't you make one?

B: I don't have money.

A: Facebook is free to join.

B: What do I have to do?

A: Go to the website and sign up.

B: It says I need an email address.

A: Don't you have one?

B: I don't remember the password.

A: Don't you ever email friends?

B: I like texting better. 


1- why can't she add him to facebook?

2- why doesn't he create a facebook?

3- Do I need to pay to create a facebook account?

4- what did facebook say to him?

5- Does he have an email?

6- what's wrong with his email?

7- Why doesn't he email his friends?