26- conversation

Conversation 5

(He)A: The cute girl from class added me on Facebook.

B: Has she sent you any messages?

A: Not yet. I'm still waiting.

B: What makes you think she will?

A: We have a lot in common.

B: How do you know?

A: We posted about the same TV show.

B: Why don't you send her a message first?

A: I am afraid she will reject me.

B: Just try to be friends for now.

A: I can't message her if you're here.

B: Fine, then I won't help you. 

Converssation 6

A: I saw the pictures of your date yesterday.

B: It wasn't a date.

A: Didn't you go to the movies?

B: Yes, I went to the movies together.

A: Then it was a date!

B: The girl was my cousin.

A: I see. That was my mistake.

B: You should not assume things.

A: So Facebook dating did not go well?

B: I don't just use Facebook for dating.

A: What else could it be for?

B: I play games sometimes, too. 


conversation 5

1- who added him on social media?

2-what kind of girls added him?

3- why does he think she will text him?

4- what makes him think he has a lot in common with his follower?

5- why doesn't he text her first? 


Conversation 6

1- when did she see his date photos? 

2-where did he go?

3- Was the girl relative to him? what kind of relative?

4- why did she apologize to him?

5- why does he use social media?